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4.8 ( 6208 ratings )

DrAid™ is an AI-based product developed by VinBrain, a subsidiary of Vingroup, and designed to be specifically used by radiologists and clinical doctors for diagnostic, treatment, prevention; and to predict future potential diseases.

Based on state-of-the-art AI technologies including Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, DrAid™ version 1 is trained with big data of over 1.25 million Chest X-ray (CXR) images collected from Vietnam and the world, among that more than 200,000 images labeled by Vietnamese experienced radiologists. DrAid™ helps to transfer knowledge of top doctors through advanced high-tech.

DrAid™ greatly contributes to helping doctors in diagnosis with average F1-score of 87% on 14 findings (Airspace Opacity, Mass/Nodule, Cardiomegaly, Fracture, Pleural Effusion, Pneumothorax, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Consolidation, Atelectasis, Medical device, Fibrosis, Pleural Others and No Finding). In addition, DrAid™ is constantly updated other diseases/findings.

DrAid ™ has been deployed in hospitals, clinics, mobile vehicle systems including National Hospital of Tropical Diseases, 108 hospital, Lung hospitals system, Vinmec system, ...


- Doctors can view AI results & diagnose chest X-ray cases taken in hospital anytime, anywhere through a Cloud-based System.

- Support Doctors to point out abnormality and abnormal area on a chest X-ray in less than 5 seconds.

- DrAid ™ mobile automatically generates medical report with finding detail description such as: size, area, position of abnormality, ... based on doctor decision.

- Doctors and patients can easily share and store chest X-ray images and medical report via QR code or link to access on DrAid ™ mobile.

- DrAid ™ helps hospitals to realize digital transformation in healthcare by applying AI (artificial intelligence) to examination and treatment, without printing hard film….